Welcome to Giles

Giles Junior School is a vibrant and successful school with a growing reputation for excellence in leadership, extra-curricular opportunities and improving standards. We have high expectations of those who join us; we expect pupils to work hard and insist on high standards of behaviour. In return, we offer the highest standards of support, encouragement and teaching that our staff can provide.

At Giles Junior School, we believe that keeping children safe and preparing them for life in modern Britain is integral to their education. We constantly reinforce British Values which are:

  • democracy.
  • the rule of law.
  • individual liberty.
  • mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.

We actively seek opportunities for our pupils to understand democracy and ensure pupils know the importance of consequences and how they are linked to British Law. Through promotion of the “7 Habits”, which are similar to these values, we encourage pupils to gain an understanding of tolerance, mutual respect for others and ensure they take ownership of their learning.

If you would like to know more about the school, or indeed if you would like to visit us, then please do not hesitate to contact us.